On Friday I took my team out for an offsite to a high-ropes obstacle course at Mount Tamborine, followed by a BBQ and some beers at a friends place. It was nice to get out of the office on a Friday and enjoy the sunny weather and good company. The day reminded me of how lucky I am to work with the people I do and for the company I do.

The logo for the venue was clearly influenced by Jurassic Park which is no bad thing

Here is one of my staff ignoring the instructions on how to safely use the flying fox. It was a real adrenaline ride - you fly down 100 metres of wire over Mt Tamborine treetops

(Some of) My team!

Here I am squatting, Malay toilet style

After we finished the course, the Brotherhood cooked up a mean halal BBQ

A spot of backyard cricket to finish off the afternoon