Platform: Xbox 360
Developer: Popcap Games
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
I‘d like to think that years from now, future game developers will study
Peggle as an example of just how much positive re-enforcement can help a game.
Peggle‘s central conceit is very basic: aim and fire a ball at a series of coloured pegs. As a foundation for a puzzle game, its nothing special. Its the player-friendly design that makes it really click.
By creating a game with a generous points system that doles out scores by the thousands, gives you ‘free’ second attempts for when you screw up badly and Burnout Crash-mode style zooming effects to highlight your victories, Peggle will almost assuredly make any player feel like a million bucks when playing the game. And thats a feeling that will make you want to come back and play again and again.
I was introduced to Peggle on Xbox Live Arcade but I’ve played it on PC and Nintendo DS as well. I’m pretty sure it works just as well on almost any other format.
Platform: Xbox 360 Developer: Popcap Games Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios 'd like to think that years from now, future game developers will study Peggle as an example of just how much positive re-enforcement can help a game. Peggle's central conceit is very basic: aim and fire a ball at a series of coloured pegs. As a foundation for a puzzle game, its nothing special. Its the player-friendly design that makes it really click. By creating a game with a generous points system that doles out scores by the thousands, gives you 'free' second attempts for when you screw up badly…
Summary : A perfect piece of game theory that shows the power and effectiveness of positive re-enforcement.
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