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21 Jump Street

I guess bitching about Hollywood’s lack of imagination and completely unnecessary proclivity for making remakes of old tv shows and movies is already old hat.  Besides, it’ll prove to be about as worthwhile as complaining about the 3D that gets shoehorned into blockbuster movies nowadays.  Remakes like Carrie and Total Recall, which are nearly 30 years old, will be repackaged and marketed to 20 year olds who have no nostalgic connection to them whatsoever whether we ask for these movies or not.  We just weather the storm and hope that some good comes from it.

Take 21 Jump Street.  It takes about 15 minutes before Ice Cube addresses the audience and explicitly states that this is a pointless cash-in with no meaningful attempt at recreating anything of the original.  It’s basically a buddy comedy vehicle for Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.  Against all odds though, its actually pretty funny.  Surprisingly, Tatum isn’t cast as the straight man and he actually offers up as many laughs as Hill, showing an aptitude for comedy that I don’t think anyone saw coming.

The movie is basically one long 90 minute dick joke.  But for what it sets out to accomplish, it does rather well.

I guess bitching about Hollywood's lack of imagination and completely unnecessary proclivity for making remakes of old tv shows and movies is already old hat.  Besides, it'll prove to be about as worthwhile as complaining about the 3D that gets shoehorned into blockbuster movies nowadays.  Remakes like Carrie and Total Recall, which are nearly 30 years old, will be repackaged and marketed to 20 year olds who have no nostalgic connection to them whatsoever whether we ask for these movies or not.  We just weather the storm and hope that some good comes from it. Take 21 Jump Street.  It…

Review Overview



Summary : A shockingly decent comic remake of 21 Jump Street.

User Rating: Be the first one !

About Edo

Edo currently lives in Australia where he spends his time playing video games and enjoying his wife's cooking.

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