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Bonjour, je voudrais une life

helo to all the little people. it has been a while since anyone updated this section so hey why not fill you in with the happenings of my life as of late.

I’m currently in france (bordeaux, to be precise). why am i here? because my parents got some fucked up idea in their heads that i should go spend 3 weeks with a family who dont speak english… by myself!!! instead of going home for easter. now thats love for you. however that is how things stand at the moment, i guess you just have to roll with the bad times and bitch about the worse times.

the day before i left for france there was a battle of the bands held at my school. now being the second longest running band in the school great things were expected from us… oh and did we ever let them down! we played out hearts out and sung songs of a high political nature (being a politcal band and all) about inequlity and how the war is a bad thing… you know the type. sadly our message was not so much as heard but frowned upon… yea thats right the winners were some band that played the current top 3 pop-punk chart toppers. clever clever! fuck it next time i’m gonna sing songs about how i’ll always be there for some chick that thinks i suck, i smelling instant success!!

“i’ll be there for you, and everyone else will too”


Posted by Matt @ 06:51 PM AST [Link] [2 comments]

Replies: 2 comments

heh heh you got that right!

Posted by Matt @ 04/10/2003 05:51 PM AST

*marks out for the unreleased Salt Monkey song reference*

Posted by edo @ 04/09/2003 08:59 PM AST

About Matt

London-based freelancing stylin' profilin' people's champion

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