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I’m gonna rock

Its Sunday.

Sunday afternoons are so lazy, I got up at 2, went swimming at the RBA Club for a few hours with Ismay, came home and decided to write. I got the Harry Potter book yesterday. I saw on the news how book stores all over the world went mental with all these people wanting to buy the book, so it was kind of cool to just stroll into Booker’s pick it off the display and buy it. I was in and out in less than a minute. I’m already half way thru the thing…its pretty gloomy.

I was in a mighty shitty mood yesterday. A girl does not like to not hear from her boyfriend. And i was bored. My dad took pity on me around midnite and told me to take the car out. So that cheered me up. It felt really good driving with my window down, with the Foo Fighter’s Times Like These playing on the stereo. So i got home, and fell into a happy sleep. Stupidly, i lost my temper today and texted Rob that he was a fuckhead. As soon as it sends i get a message that was dated YESTERDAY saying lots of sweet things. How foolish did i feel? Called him up straight away and talked my way out of it. I’m in a better mood now. I’m pathetic and fully whipped.

We’re having hot dogs for dinner. Anna gets here in two weeks.

About Angela

Angela lives in the UK with her cat Leo. She enjoys reading, gardening and recreationally fighting elderly women.

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