Someone else who decided to do just that was the British film maker Edgar Wright. Wright made his name with the popular British comedy series Spaced with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. He has since gone on to make many beloved comedies including Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.
A few years ago, Edgar Wright compiled a list of his 1000 favourite films using the movie subscription service MUBI. After browsing through it and mentally checking off the films I had seen, it got me thinking about my own list.
My first crack at putting together a similar list back in 2016 ended at 501. At the time I said “In a year or two, I think I’ll get around to creating a revised list of 1,001 favourite films.”
It ended up taking five more years but I’ve got there. In that time I’ve managed to watch a ton more Ford, Kurosawa, Ozu, Mann, noir, musicals and silent films. My “gaps” continue to be Seventies classics, British classics, Hammer horror and international cinema. One day I’ll get there.
Anyway, for those of you are curious and have a lot of spare time, here it is: