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Ups and Downs

It was a fantastic weekend. Just imagine, about 80 exchange students, 5* hotel, way too much rum and coke, a year of stories to share, best friends, enemies, jealousy, sex… It was all a but raunchy really. I am very VERY proud (and amazed) to say that I didn’t hook up considering the amount of alcohol that was in my system. But trust me, this is a good thing when you understand the coice of guys there… The germans were all just weird, the one Swiss boy was gorgeous but not very interested in girls, the French guy had already picked up several times, the boys from Norway are very good looking but the most snobbish, arrogant, rude people I’ve met in my life, there was no way I was going with the Kiwis (they don’t wash and are proud of it) and about the closest I ever got was when I was dancing with one of the Japanise boys. He really knew how to dance.

The time that wasn’t spent drinking was spent on the beach, I swam out to a yaht with some other ozzie chicks and we got stung by jelly fish… clever. So the swim back in was a bit painful. And I also spent a lot of time playing with the Swiss kids in the pool. We made human knots… it’s a fun pass-time.

Completly off the topic, yesterday we were walking along and my mum pointed out a women that lives under the bridge. She was wearing a busness suit and carried an umbrella and you wouldn’t have known… It just goes to show that appearances mean nothing.

With only 23 days until my departure, I am completly flat out trying to fit everything in. There’s so much I have to do but all I really want to be doing is sitting at home drinking agua dulce with my mum listening to all her gossip that I’m going to miss so much. But tomorrow I’m taking my brother to the capital city for 2 days to go to an amusement park and el museo de ninos, I come back Saturday to go to a wedding, Sunday I have to go and say goodbye to some friends, Monday is FREE, Tuesday I go away again to a location which I cannot name as technically we’re not allowed to go and you never know who is reading this……. I’m away all week, I have to see some friends off at the airport on the 16th, on the 21st my Grandpa and his girlfriend arrive and then on the 26th I’m off…..

And the boy who I thought was the love of my life just wrote to me and told me he never wants to see me again. I’m just not in the mood to get my heart broken today.

Posted by Erin @ 11:44 PM AST [Link] [2 comments]

Replies: 2 comments

aww hey babe. how ya doin? havent been in touch with u 4 ages… but cheer up yea! nice to see u blogging again! hehehe.
take care, and glad to hear at least ur partying and having a good time 🙂 luv aub XXOO

Posted by Aubrey @ 12/04/2003 05:02 AM AST


Posted by Matt @ 12/04/2003 12:35 AM AST

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