If you’re a long time reader of The FAT Website, and I mean you were there with us twelve years ago, you would remember that TFW was part of a gigantic thriving community of websites that were categorized as ‘E/N’, an abbreviation for Everything/Nothing, the name given to turn-of-the-century blogging.
For a small country, Brunei was heavily involved in this community and once upon a time there was a whole host of blogs similar to The FAT Website including The FAT Website UK (FWUK), Hot Japati, Bangkingz, Snixxx and F.U.B.A.R.
That last website, run by Justin Jaapar, was our arch-rival and for a heated twelve months, the two websites engaged in an arms race to try and gain as many hits as possible. Justin would blog multiple times a day about visiting the mall and buying Dreamcast games. Meanwhile, The FAT Website would fill its content with stories of parties and post pictures of girls plugging the website with hand made signs.

F.U.B.A.R in 2001 when Justin quit his website. He would go on to do this approximately 5,000,000 more times
Over the years, these E/N websites fell away, one by one, until only two were left standing. F.U.B.A.R and The FAT Website. Both websites changed in tone and content over the years. The FAT Website was known as Spy Magazine for two years. F.U.B.A.R became Bad In A Good Way and eventually settled as Don’t Link This. Justin was never really the caliber of blogger that we have on TFW and he would periodically quit the site. But just like Ric Flair, he would come out of retirement six months later.
On January 27th 2013, after a prolonged sabbatical, Justin posted a message on Don’t Link This where he finally bowed out of the E/N game for good. He blamed video games, fatherhood and marriage for occupying his time (perhaps in that order). It was a good run but he was hanging up his keyboard and riding off into the humid Bruneian sunset.
So I would like to officially declare that The FAT Website remains the last Brunei E/N website standing. Don’t Link This and all its variations had a good run but they couldn’t go the distance. As far as the total hits go, let’s call it a tie.
Farewell Justin and thanks for all the blogs.
My discofrog site refused to die years after I lost my password. I think it was still online up to last year.
Incidentally, how the fuck does one change their profile pic?
Jesus Christ Dan – where have you been hiding?
Dan – you can change your profile by going to https://en.gravatar.com/
Pat – It’s been four years since Dan’s last blog. Which was this – http://www.thefatwebsite.com/?p=463
good work team.