For the first time in two years, I qualified for our company’s quarterly sales champions event, now branded Club Red.
TFW readers with long memories might remember in the past we did stunt school, Amazing Race around Melbourne and other such shennanigans. This time, it was a much more relaxed affair. We spent the afternoon cruising on a 27 metre yacht named Pure Adrenalin (the ‘e’ fell off?) and then finished the day at Alchemy where we had a cocktail making competition and then a massive lunch.

Raymond Luxury Yacht

The interior of the yacht was more spacious than my apartment 🙁

Drinks on the deck with Jade

The non-alcoholic ingredients we had to work with for the cocktail competition

The Bermuda Rum - our entry into the competition

The Bermuda Rum stacked against the competition. We placed second against some strawberry thing with umbrellas in it

Braised beef cheek, potato mash, mushroom and lentils

Kingfish, smoked apple puree

Barramundi with Cod Brandade, Fried Baby Peppers, Confit Tomatoes, Lentils

Veal Blanquette with Morel Veloute, Herb Gnocchi and Truffle Glazed Carrots
Congrats dude!
Thanks pal! 🙂