So I signed up to Twitter this weekend. I’m still getting my head around how it all works. I’ll get a hang of it over time I guess. The spam protection thing where you have to type in the word on the screen was racier than I expected.
So anyway, I’m at Please follow my Twitter if you need to know about my lunch-eating habits.

The Twitter sign-up page
I’ve made a few tweaks to the site today. I’ve added Twitter feeds for me, Pat and Munch on the right hand column so Mike doesn’t get all the glory.
I’ve also added a widget that brings up blogs from previous years (below the Twitter feeds). Its not really all that great at the moment since I haven’t finished backdating all the archives but when I finish doing that, I think it’ll be a fun feature. For now, you can revisit this same week in 2000 when Pat created his own version of the television series Survivor, only re-imagined with The FAT Website staff involved. You can see the collection of blogs here.
I’m not up to much this weekend. It’s a Saturday night in Sydney and its very cold and won’t stop raining. So I’ll keep uploading these blog entries and watch some Star Trek: The Original Series on the side.
well at least with your twitter update I can tell you are still alive. Or you were 5 hours ago at least!!
Dan also has twitter now:
Cool twitter feeds – adds more to the site for sure…
Thanks for adding mine to the site. I’m getting the idea that they’re similar to Facebook statuses and wall posts, just without the annoying crap that comes with the rest of Facebook 😛